Friday, April 16, 2010


Here is my latest scratch build, this project was a joy to do.
This project was created using a computer mouse , a old computer game controller, computer pins, some resin bits, barbecue and cigarette lighter parts.
This is my 3rd scratch build of this variant , I have two more to go (Yes I have 2 more hulls)
The camo is what I call my 3D dirty ice camo pattern because of its raised details.
Of note early and late model grill covers, for better anti armor ballistic protection
The scene depicts a Nutrocker Mk. XV on Europa base during the 3rd incursion.

Early version

Late version

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Here are pics of my Tardis the wormhole this is my getaway from the real world.
Here all things sci-fy originate, germinate, and become 3 dimensional.

My Tardis/worm hole

Command and control 1 and 2

Worm hole stash